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Roswitha Golder
27.10.1938 - 26.02 2023 (ev-ref.) - Schweiz
Roswitha who was part of the backbone of our Forum. We already miss her... The Risen One has welcomed Roswitha, who gave so much for others, into his light and his endless love...
Anne-Marie Schott
Sie gehörte zum Kreis der Feministischen Theologinnen in der Deutschschweiz-Lichtenstein, als 1.Co-Präsidentin der Frauenkonferenz war sie hochgeschätzt.
Reinhild Traitler
Die Gratia-Stiftung der Evangelischen Frauenarbeit in Baden (Deutschland) verlieh der femimnistischen Theologin Reinhild Traitler-Espiritu im Jahre 2010 den Marie-von-Marschall-Preis.
Sie wird wie folgend beschrieben:
Die reformierte Theologin und Philologin wurde für ihr außergewöhnliches Engagement im Bereich der Ökumene, der Feministischen Theologie und der interreligiösen und interkulturellen Begegnungsarbeit, dem auch die Evangelische Frauenarbeit in Baden vielfältige und wegweisende Impulse verdankt, ausgezeichnet. (...)
Zugehörige Dokumente:
Todesanzeige Reinhild Traitler (*.pdf-Datei, 58 KB)
Sally Beaumont
Sally Beaumont /Scotland
Fiona Buchanan, Co-Presidentin schrieb
Sally Beaumont has died peacefully at home, aged 87.
She was a determined individual, feisty, mischievous, a disrupter and a champion of the disenfranchised, inspirational to many, usually through her preferred method of storytelling. She delighted in giving but was also a gracious recipient of kindness and hospitality.
Her early experiences coloured her attitudes to the destitute and to institutions. She was born in England in 1935, the youngest of four, and early in the war her father, a serving colonel, arranged for the family to be evacuated to Vancouver Island. Not anticipating that exchange restrictions would leave them penniless, they became reliant on handouts from the local community. Back in England, she hated boarding school but escaped to university at St Andrews, where she met Jack in fresher’s week, soon telling her mother that she’d just met her future husband (“don't worry, he doesn't know yet”). They married in 1957 and were known as an inseparable couple throughout their years together.
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