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Spanien hat wieder ein Forum!
Dear sisters in Christ!
The first zoom meeting of Spanish women representing the EFECW took place on 18 January, 2022.
Pilar Juste and I introduced the Forum, which had existed before in Spain but wasn’t active during last years, we talked about my experience as a member of the Forum since 2002 and as a National Coordinator of the Forum for Ukraine since 2006, about the tasks and goals of the Forum, its rules. There was also a man among us together with 14 women, mostly Catholics, me as a member of the Armenian Orthodox Apostolic Church and a theologian Mireya from the Protestant church.
Many people contacted Pilar Juste after learning about this event and wished to take part in the meeting next time. So it's safe to say that the forum is being revived in Spain!
I must especially mention my personal feelings from communicating with Catholics in Spain and this is the dominant part of the believers in Spain. During the two years that I have been living in Spain, of course I have tried to get acquainted with Christians and the local Christian culture and traditions, which are quite diverse and interesting, often very colorful . But I remember one case in particular. Last year the Armenian community organized a memorial service for the fallen soldiers, defenders of Karabakh from the attacks of Azerbaijan in the 44-day war. The service was conducted in the Catholic Cathedral in Benidorm by the Armenian priest and the community. I was surprised that many Spaniards also were present at this service. And after the service, a woman sitting at a distance from me (because of the Covid restrictions ) came up to me with her husband, hugged me and said: "Nosotros somos hermanas", which means “We are sisters”. I still remember the sincerity and warmth of those words.
Thank God for such meetings, thank the Lord for everything!
With love in Christ,
Evelina Hryhorian and Pilar Juste