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Neues aus dem CC, dass sich Ende April in Rumänien traf.


Wir erhielten folgenden Brief, den wir gern an alle Leserinnen weitergeben. Wir hoffen, alle können genügend Englisch:


We have just concluded our meeting, which included many hours of work on planning and preparing projects and events on the priorities set at the GA in Strasbourg (August 2022).Our meeting was enriched enormously by the experience of the vivid ecumenism that we had the privilege to experience during our short stay.Kindly find attached our message describing our experience in Oradea.We especially thank Judit for organizing such a full and complete experience for us.

Und hier die 'message' aufrufen:

Zugehörige Dokumente:
CC April 2023 (*.docx-Datei, 31 KB)